Accident-Free 2023
Sports teams hang banners after winning their conference or a world title.
At RLTurner, we celebrate and fly flags for accident-free years. With that in mind, we’re fortunate enough to be able to hang a banner for 2023.
It’s been said that safety is no accident, and we’ve been fortunate enough to fly that safety flag four of the last six years. “Achieving these safety milestones would not be possible without the leadership of Kenny Pinkerton and Dan Phifer and our employees’ amazing dedication to safety,” says Adam Owens, RLTurner President/CEO.
We want to honor this achievement, but we also want to continue the momentum. Safety is our culture, and we don’t want to lose sight of how critical it is to always keep it at the forefront of our minds.
In the meantime, though, we’ll raise another flag and salute everyone at RLTurner for this accomplishment as we look forward to a safe 2024!