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Video: Tipton Schools and Devil Pride

We began our CMc (Construction Manager as constructor) journey at Tipton Community Schools three years ago. We’ve renovated every school building, the cafeteria, tennis courts, football field, basketball court,...

Video: Kankakee Sands Bison Day

VIDEO: Bison Day is tomorrow, and the Nature Conservancy's Kankakee Sands is celebrating! Check out this sneak preview of their renovated facilities. It was a pleasure for us to upgrade...

Video: Totality in Tipton

What a perfect day for Totality in Tipton! The weather and clouds cooperated, and we saw many friends and family--as well as a mesmerizing celestial show. Thank you for...

Video: False Spring

This false spring weather has us thinking of real spring and summer days at Crystal Beach. We've been working hard all winter to keep the project on schedule. Most of...

Video: Tri-West Transformation

Tri-West High School's campus has been transformed. From the new baseball and softball diamonds to the stunning football field, it's a campus in which everyone can be proud. We're...

Video: Library Lobby

While many people are taking down their Christmas decorations, we're busy lighting up the Hamilton East Public Library in Fishers. There's still much work to be done, but things are...

Video: Christmas 2022

2022 is coming to an end, and what a great year it's been! We wanted to thank all of our people and partners who made it successful. Merry Christmas and have...

Video: Baseball The Beautiful

Few things represent America more than baseball, construction, and Old Glory. On this Veterans Day (11/11/22), be sure to thank every veteran who fought for our freedom. And never forget...