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News Coverage: Pride and Family Values

(Appeared in the Lafayette Journal Courier)


I truly believe that small businesses and family values will continue to be the driving forces that help us through the Coronavirus crisis. This couldn’t have been more apparent when I was meeting last week with the owners of the Whittaker Inn, who happen to also be my cousins, as they were dealing with the news of the closing of all in-person dining in Indiana restaurants. As the builder of their inn, our company has been there every step of the way, from design to today. They continually thank me for keeping the building schedule on track even through last year’s exceptionally wet spring. They also point out the way that we tackled challenges together, rather than attempting to pin blame on each other, made it all worthwhile. We’re smiling because our partnership made the endeavor all worthwhile.

When I asked them, though, was this a strong partnership because we’re family? They replied that the family ties did make the effort more special. But they quickly added that it’s the pride that RLTurner and the Whittaker Inn take in their work that is the cornerstone. It’s reflected in not just this project but all of our work, regardless of our family connection.

I agree wholeheartedly. We’re all in this for the long haul. And it’s for this small, family business—and the many others around the Hoosier State—that I urge you to continue to support. While travel and public dining is restricted, they will be offering a comfort food carry out menu during this time. Rooms also are available for healthy folks who are willing to maintain social distancing and are in need of a place to stay.

If we don’t continue to help everyone like family, where will we end up?



Adam Owens, COO

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