Video: Tri-West Transformation

Tri-West High School's campus has been transformed. From the new baseball and softball diamonds to the stunning football field, it's a campus in which everyone can be proud. We're...

Video: Library Lobby

While many people are taking down their Christmas decorations, we're busy lighting up the Hamilton East Public Library in Fishers. There's still much work to be done, but things are...

Video: Christmas 2022

2022 is coming to an end, and what a great year it's been! We wanted to thank all of our people and partners who made it successful. Merry Christmas and have...

Video: Baseball The Beautiful

Few things represent America more than baseball, construction, and Old Glory. On this Veterans Day (11/11/22), be sure to thank every veteran who fought for our freedom. And never forget...

News Coverage: Day of Service

Three volunteers from RLTurner participated in the Boone EDC's Day of Service. Overall, the community effort involved 125 volunteers from 11 companies. See the story in the Lebanon Reporter:  

News Coverage: Murphy Aquatic Park

RLTurner's specialty is pools, splash pads, and aquatic parks. Check out the media coverage of our most-recent project, Murphy Aquatic Park, which is Indiana's FIRST ADA-accessible aquatic park, replete...

Trades Signing Day

The Boone County Economic Development Corporation and the Boone County Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with the three Boone County public schools, hosted a Trades Signing Day for students...

Tipton Schools Groundbreaking

Construction at Tipton Schools has begun. Members of the school board dug into the ceremonial dirt on May 10 to kick off the project, which will improve the elementary, middle,...

Courteous Guests

Walking into Pleasant Grove Elementary, you’d hardly know it’s under construction. (A handful of craftspeople in hi-viz hoodies walking the halls are the only clue.) Students and teachers smile as...

Pushing For Pull Planning

Obviously, our company didn’t invent schedule pull planning; but we sure believe in the innumerable benefits the practice provides. Bringing everyone to the table before the first shovel hits the...

Revitalizing YOUR Downtown

Main Street is a key indicator of your town’s economic health. Potholes and boarded-up businesses say, “Keep driving to the next town.” In contrast, bustling shops and restaurants, well-maintained...